Austrian Alps - Austria - Mountain Groups and hiking trails

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

Here is a map of the geographical breakdown of the Alps, which is consistent with the classification SOIUSA.
Wikipedia: SOIUSA

This is not about a simple breakdown by country of: Austrian Alps, Swiss Alps, French Alps, Italian Alps, Bavarian Alps and the Slovenian Alps. This is a map of geographical division in accordance with the classification of the Alps SOIUSA. Developed data include 5 major chains, 36 groups and 132 subgroups. Mountain subgroups are described by the following: name of the subgroup (mountain range), the name of the group, the name of the main chain, photo of highest mountain, and name and height of highest mountain, and links to information in the wikipedia page.

Mountain Groups and hiking trails are described in the following data: name, section, chain, highest peak, link to Wikipedia, photo.

Ligurian Alps
Alpi Liguri
Maritime Alps and Pre-Alps of Nice
Alpi Marittime e Prealpi di Nizza
Alps and Pre-Alps of Provence
Alpi e Prealpi di Provenza
Hautes Alpes
Alpi Cozie
Dauphiné Alps
Alpi del Delfinato
Dauphiné Pre-Alps
Prealpi del Delfinato
Graian Alps
Alpi Graie
Pre-Alps of Savoy
Prealpi di Savoia
Pennine Alps
Alpi Pennine
Lepontine Alps
Alpi Lepontine
Lugano prealps
Prealpi Luganesi
Bernese Alps
Alpi Bernesi
Glarus Alps
Alpi Glaronesi
Swiss prealps
Prealpi Svizzere
Western Rhaetian Alps
Alpi Retiche occidentali
Eastern Rhaetian Alps
Alpi Retiche orientali
Western Tauern Alps
Alpi dei Tauri occidentali
Eastern Tauern Alps
Alpi dei Tauri orientali
Carinthian-Styrian Alps
Alpi di Stiria e Carinzia
Styrian prealps
Prealpi di Stiria
North Tyrol Limestone Alps
Alpi Calcaree Nordtirolesi
Bavarian Alps
Alpi Bavaresi
Tyrol Schistose Alps
Alpi Scistose Tirolesi
Northern Salzburg Alps
Alpi Settentrionali Salisburghesi
Salzkammergut and Upper Austria Alps
Alpi del Salzkammergut e dell Alta Austria
Northern Styrian Alps
Alpi Settentrionali di Stiria
Northern Lower Austria Alps
Alpi della Bassa Austria
Southern Rhaetian Alps
Alpi Retiche meridionali
Bergamasque Alps and prealps
Alpi e Prealpi Bergamasche
Brescia and Garda prealps
Prealpi Bresciane e Gardesane
Venetiàn prealps
Prealpi Venete
Carnic Alps
Alpi Carniche e della Gail
Julian Alps
Alpi e Prealpi Giulie
Carintian-Slovenian Alps
Alpi di Carinzia e di Slovenia
Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.5 Alpi della Val Müstair

Swiss Alps Italian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 15 Western Rhaetian Alps

highest peak: Piz Sesvenna (3.204 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.6 Alpi del Silvretta, del Samnaun e del Verwall

Swiss Alps Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 15 Western Rhaetian Alps

highest peak: Piz Linard (3.411 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

15.8 Catena del Rätikon

Austrian Alps Swiss Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 15 Western Rhaetian Alps

highest peak: Schesaplana (2.964 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

16.1 Alpi Venoste

Italian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 16 Eastern Rhaetian Alps

highest peak: Wildspitze (3.768 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

16.2 Alpi dello Stubai

Italian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 16 Eastern Rhaetian Alps

highest peak: Zuckerhütl (3.507 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

17.1 Alpi della Zillertal

Austrian Alps Italian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 17 Western Tauern Alps

highest peak: Hochfeiler (3.510 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails


Austrian Alps Italian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 17 Western Tauern Alps

highest peak: Großglockner (3.798 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

17.3 Alpi Pusteresi

Austrian Alps Italian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 17 Western Tauern Alps

highest peak: Großvenediger (3.666 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

17.4 Gruppo del Kreuzeck

Italian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 17 Western Tauern Alps

highest peak: Hochgall (3.436 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

18.1 Tauri di Radstadt
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 18 Eastern Tauern Alps

highest peak: Mölltaler Polinik (2.784 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

18.2 Tauri di Schladming e di Murau
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 18 Eastern Tauern Alps

highest peak: Weißeck (2.711 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

18.3 Tauri di Wölz e di Rottenmann
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 18 Eastern Tauern Alps

highest peak: Hochgolling (2.862 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

18.4 Tauri di Seckau
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 18 Eastern Tauern Alps

highest peak: Rettlkirchspitze (2.475 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

19.1 Alpi della Gurktal
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 19 Carinthian-Styrian Alps

highest peak: Eisenhut (2.441 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

19.2 Alpi della Lavanttal
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 19 Carinthian-Styrian Alps

highest peak: Zirbitzkogel (2.396 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

20.1 Prealpi nord-occidentali di Stiria
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 20 Styrian prealps

highest peak: Ameringkogel (2.184 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

20.2 Prealpi sud-occidentali di Stiria

Austrian Alps Slovenian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 20 Styrian prealps

highest peak: Großer Speikkogel (2.140 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

20.3 Prealpi centrali di Stiria
Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 20 Styrian prealps

highest peak: Stuhleck (1.782 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

20.4 Prealpi orientali di Stiria

Austrian Alps
chain: Central Eastern Alps
section: 20 Styrian prealps

highest peak: Wechsel (1.743 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

21.1 Alpi della Lechtal
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 21 North Tyrol Limestone Alps

highest peak: Parseierspitze (3.036 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

21.2 Monti delle Lechquellen
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 21 North Tyrol Limestone Alps

highest peak: Große Wildgrubenspitze (2.753 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

21.3 Monti di Mieming e del Wetterstein

Austrian Alps Bavarian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 21 North Tyrol Limestone Alps

highest peak: Zugspitze (2.962 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

21.4 Monti del Karwendel

Austrian Alps Bavarian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 21 North Tyrol Limestone Alps

highest peak: Birkkarspitze (2.749 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

21.5 Alpi di Brandenberg
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 21 North Tyrol Limestone Alps

highest peak: Hochiss (2.299 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

21.6 Monti del Kaiser
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 21 North Tyrol Limestone Alps

highest peak: Ellmauer Halt (2.344 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

22.1 Prealpi di Bregenz
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 22 Bavarian Alps

highest peak: Glatthorn (2134 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

22.2 Alpi dell Algovia

Bavarian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 22 Bavarian Alps

highest peak: Großer Krottenkopf (2.657 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

22.3 Alpi dell Ammergau

Bavarian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 22 Bavarian Alps

highest peak: Daniel (2.340 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

22.5 Alpi del Mangfall

Bavarian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 22 Bavarian Alps

highest peak: Hinteres Sonnwendjoch (1.986 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

22.6 Alpi del Chiemgau

Bavarian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 22 Bavarian Alps

highest peak: Sonntagshorn (1.961 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

23.1 Prealpi del Tux
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 23 Tyrol Schistose Alps

highest peak: Lizumer Reckner (2.884 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

23.2 Alpi di Kitzbühel
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 23 Tyrol Schistose Alps

highest peak: Kreuzjoch (2.558 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

24.1 Monti dello Stein
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 24 Northern Salzburg Alps

highest peak: Birnhorn (2.634 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

24.2 Alpi scistose salisburghesi
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 24 Northern Salzburg Alps

highest peak: Hundstein (2.117 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

24.3 Alpi di Berchtesgaden

Austrian Alps Bavarian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 24 Northern Salzburg Alps

highest peak: HochkÖnig (2.941 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

24.4 Monti di Tennen
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 24 Northern Salzburg Alps

highest peak: Raucheck (2.430 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

25.1 Monti del Dachstein
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 25 Salzkammergut and Upper Austria Alps

highest peak: Hoher Dachstein (2.995 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

25.2 Monti del Salzkammergut
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 25 Salzkammergut and Upper Austria Alps

highest peak: Gamsfeld (2.027 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

25.3 Monti Totes
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 25 Salzkammergut and Upper Austria Alps

highest peak: Großer Priel (2.515 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

25.4 Prealpi dell Alta Austria
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 25 Salzkammergut and Upper Austria Alps

highest peak: Hoher Nock (1.963 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

26.1 Alpi dell Ennstal
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 26 Northern Styrian Alps

highest peak: Hochtor (2.369 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

26.2 Alpi Nord-orientali di Stiria
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 26 Northern Styrian Alps

highest peak: Hochschwab (2.277 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

27.1 Alpi di Türnitz
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 27 Northern Lower Austria Alps

highest peak: Großer Sulzberg (1.400 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

27.2 Alpi dell Ybbstal
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 27 Northern Lower Austria Alps

highest peak: Hochstadl (1.919 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

27.3 Prealpi Orientali della Bassa Austria
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 27 Northern Lower Austria Alps

highest peak: Schöpfl (893 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

28.1 Alpi dell Ortles
Austrian Alps
chain: North Eastern Alps
section: 28 Southern Rhaetian Alps

highest peak: Ortler (3.905 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

33.2 Alpi della Gail

Austrian Alps Italian Alps
chain: South Eastern Alps (Southern Limestone Alps)
section: 33 Carnic Alps

highest peak: Große Sandspitze (2.770 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

33.3 Carnic prealps
Austrian Alps
chain: South Eastern Alps (Southern Limestone Alps)
section: 33 Carnic Alps

highest peak: Cima dei Preti (2.706 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

35.2 Alpi di Kamnik e della Savinja

Austrian Alps Slovenian Alps Italian Alps
chain: South Eastern Alps (Southern Limestone Alps)
section: 35 Carintian-Slovenian Alps

highest peak: Grintovec (2.558 m)

Mountain Groups and hiking trails

36.1 Slovenian prealps occidentali

Slovenian Alps Austrian Alps
chain: South Eastern Alps (Southern Limestone Alps)
section: 36 Slovenian prealps

highest peak: Porezen (1.630 m)

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